Our Team
Our team of professionals has years of experience in the realms of recovery & resiliency. We’re passionate about holding up the arms of trauma-exposed individuals and organizations that serve, protect, and offer healing to communities locally and across the globe.
Amy Butler, MS, LPC
Co Executive Director
Megan Taylor, MS, LPC, LMFT
Co Executive Director
Michael Turner
Director of Finance & Development
Laura Fehr
Shannon Newton, MS, LPC-S
Brittany Turner, MS, LPC
Martha Newman, MSW, LCSW
Leah Hanson, MS, LPC
Ashley McMahen, MA, LCMHC, LPC-S
Amy Garcia, MA, LAC
Andrew Munneke, MS, LAC
Janie Crow, MS, LAC
Sarah Daniels, MA, LAC
Body Team
Rebekah Price, MSW, RYT, C-BSP
Embodiment Specialist
Heather Davidson
Breathe & Body Specialist
Kelsey Gilley, APRN, CNM
IASIS Certified Neurofeedback Provider
Elizabeth Brown, M. Ed.
NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Provider
Chuck Butler, M.Div., BCPC
Kinetic Experience Coach
Elizabeth Brown, M. Ed.
Resource & Resiliency Coach
Alex Fittin
Self Awareness Coach & CISM Debriefer
Chuck Butler, M.Div., BCPC
Ministry and Adoption Coach
Administrative Team
Brittany Turner, MS, LPC
Intensive Program Lead
Janie Crow, MS, LAC
Intake Coordinator
Holly Chambers
Billing Coordinator
Rachel Norwood
Office Manager and MSW intern