101: The Awareness Experience
This 1-day experience allows teams to begin to identify their personal and organizational responses to the pain, stress, and trauma (PST) they engage while accomplishing their mission. However--teams will walk away with much more than the identification of PST--they will walk away with a map that provides them with a real and practical strategic plan for the mitigation of the PST they experience. In addition, teams often comment that gaining a new and common language around this topic has been incredibly valuable for the continuation of their wellness journey.
201: The Leadership Experience
We believe that an organization’s leadership team sets the workplace culture. While often engaging the same pain, stress, and trauma as the rest of their staff, leadership takes on additional layers of responsibility--particularly as they seek to lead their organizations into wellness. During our 2-day leadership experience, our Gap Relief team will dive deeper with each leader and leadership team into his/her/their individual experiences and challenges. We will take a deeper look at the impact of PST on individual, team, and organizational patterns- and will look more intently at the strategic plans that can close the specific gaps fostered by this impact. We will also take time to assess current organizational health and work to troubleshoot difficult areas. These may vary by organization and can include but are not limited to: organizational policy and procedures, leadership growth, personal trauma care, crisis response, on-boarding, and staff training, staff support, staff management, MDT relationships, financial allocation, shifting the organizational culture, and organizational structure. The Gap Relief leadership experience is designed specifically for each team and includes a blend of experiential activities, didactic training, group process, and one-on-one consultation.
301: The Walk-Out Plan
Research indicates that the continued practice and integration of new experiences (new skills and paradigms) into one’s actual environment is paramount when considering the long-term sustainability and impact of such experiences. In addition, while we recognize that the work of each position within your organization is vital to the success of the mission, we also recognize that each role presents unique challenges, stressors, and impact. As such, we believe it is incredibly valuable for staff to engage with a Gap Relief guide individually or within smaller teams to ensure focused implementation of the Gap Relief model of trauma-informed sustainability into each of your organizations’ components. This not only fosters continuity for your organization as a whole, but gives each staff member the opportunity to apply what they have learned and experienced in the midst of actual real-time challenges and opportunities.