Frequently Asked Questions

  • We work with a wide range of individuals and leaders; primarily those in high-trauma capacities who serve and protect communities and vulnerable people groups. Our demographic includes, first responders, law enforcement, military and veterans, international workers, educators, medical professionals, clergy, and other non-profit leaders.

  • Our services include:

    • Regular, one-on-one in person or telehealth counseling services

    • Intensive counseling services

    • Individual or team leadership consultation

    • Organization/team-specific training experiences (including on-site and international training experiences)

    • Crisis intervention services

    • Trauma-informed organizational and resource development

  • Most health insurance plans cover some forms of mental health care. The fastest way to determine if your plan covers mental health care is to look at your policy or description of plan benefits and/or call your member care services. You will want to carefully examine information related to your deductible, copays, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket limits.

    We are a preferred provider for both Blue Cross Blue Shield and AmBetter members. Please contact us to determine which counselors are in network with your insurance provider.

    If you are seeking services and are insured with another provider, we are happy to help furnish you with a superbill of services that you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement.

  • For many, even those with health insurance, therapy services can mean a high out-of-pocket expense. Fortunately, there are several avenues of assistance that may help financially support your counseling needs.

    First, seek your HR department, your employer, or non-profit organization if they help provide funds for counseling services. We have found that many organizations want to help provide quality care for their employees.

    Secondly, many organizations have applied for grants using our proposal to describe the need and cost for trauma care. Grant money is often used to pay for our training/consulting services. We are happy to help you with a proposal to submit for grant approval.

    Finally, and most importantly, we want to work with you. Please reach out to us and ask if you are eligible for our sliding scale-based payment system.

  • Gap Relief is different. We bring trauma-care to you. We create experiences and trainings that meet you where you are stuck and help move you towards greater freedom and relief. We truly desire to help you accomplish your mission and will fight hard to accomplish this endeavor.